10 Jun 2024
Everybody wants to stay young and attractive forever, but aging does not stop for anyone. Fine lines and wrinkles start to become prominent as soon as people hit their forties. Over-the-counter beauty products are not always as effective as they are portrayed. On the contrary, plastic surgery is not an option every other person can pursue. Injectable cosmetic treatments have established their fan base for decades now due to their result-oriented procedures.
The stigma associated with injectable treatments is also shattering gradually, thanks to their popularity among celebrities and wide-scale acceptance by the general public. Botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox and fillers, are the two most popular and effective injectable treatment options. Both are used to mainly fix wrinkles, due to which they are often confused to be the same; however, they are not. Botox and fillers have distinctive differences and are two separate procedures. According to research, both Botox and filler treatments are also safe and effective when done by certified professionals and not random service providers.
It’s time to upgrade your knowledge and information if you also considered Botox and fillers to be the same. Let’s get into the details of this piece of writing and explore the differences between Botox and fillers, their uses, risk factors, and common FAQs you might be eager to know the answers to.
Botulinum neurotoxin, commonly known by the brand name Botox, is a neurotoxin/muscle relaxer that paralyzes and temporarily weakens specific muscles. Neurotoxins change the structure and function of the nervous system to block the nerve signals from reaching facial muscles. The blockage of signals stops the messages from reaching the muscle that tells it to contract or expand in response to certain emotions. In short, it hinders the muscles from contracting in response to external stimuli. It will slow down the frequent movement of certain muscles and the wrinkles caused by them.
Botox is made from bacteria; therefore, it is crucial to inject the right amount in the perfect spot to avoid any side effects or reactions. Overall, the treatment is safe and is among the most common non-surgical cosmetic treatments across the globe. Moreover, Botox treatment shows results for most people until and unless they have some muscle weakness or some other problematic health condition.
According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, these are the FDA-approved neurotoxins:
Out of all these, Botox treatment in Dubai is the most effective one. It is best suited for facial wrinkles caused by the expression of emotions. Frown lines, crow’s feet, and marionette lines are the most common targets or treatment areas for Botox injections. Besides this, Botox injections can also be used in the armpits to stop excessive sweating and in the jaw muscle to prevent teeth grinding.
The treatment will start showing results between two to ten days, depending on how the receiver reacts to the toxins. The toxins can react and cause severe allergic reactions if not injected properly. Therefore, you must always consult experts from certified clinics to plan your treatment thoroughly and achieve the desired results.
Fillers, commonly called dermal fillers, are gel-like products made from hyaluronic acid. They are injected into the affected area to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and restore volume and plumpness. Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the human body in various fluids and tissues. It acts as a moisture binder that sticks to the water cells and attracts them from the air, too. It keeps the skin firm, plum, and resilient to ensure a youthful appearance. Hyaluronic acid is also an essential component of various skin care products.
However, as human beings age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid in the body also faces a blow. Other factors also come into play, making people lose volume from cheeks, chin, and other affected areas. Dermal fillers fill in the tissues to eliminate the appearance of fine lines, smooth the wrinkles, and add more volume. The fillers also reduce the appearance of scars and are injected into soft tissues to get the desired results. These can also be used on hands to reduce wrinkly appearance. The most popular and effective hyaluronic acid-based filler brands include:
Besides hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers can comprise the following FDA-approved materials:
These filler materials are designed to treat different cosmetic issues and signs of aging. Moreover, they may also take different periods to work, which last from six months to two years, depending on the person the person. Therefore, it is crucial to consult experts from Dermal Fillers Dubai clinics to opt for the best-suited treatment option and secure the desired results too.
Read also: What are fillers and what are their advantages
Botox and fillers are both injectable treatments and are meant to defy the signs of aging, so they are often confused to be the same treatment. However, they are not, and learning their distinctive details is the most important way for you to decide which one is a better option for you. Before that, it is important to know what aging does to your face.
Getting up one morning randomly, you might notice wrinkles around your eyes, or your lips, or more prominent and permanent laugh lines. You might think these lines have emerged overnight, but that’s not how it works. Such signs of aging develop gradually and get engraved in the skin if not noticed earlier or treated properly. Aging makes people lose facial volume and fat, which causes saggy skin with more prominent fine lines. Moreover, it also causes wrinkles due to the constant and excessive use of facial muscles to show expression. The common signs are wrinkles around the eyes and frown lines.
The major difference between Botox and fillers is that they have different objectives. Botox injections paralyze the desired overworked facial muscles, while filler injections restore the volume and plumpness of certain facial areas. Botox is a preventive treatment as it prevents wrinkles from occurring and fixes the apparent signs. On the contrary, fillers are a corrective treatment that targets volume loss and deep wrinkles and restores facial fullness.
Botox treatment can take anywhere between fifteen minutes to inject. In contrast, filler treatments take fifteen to thirty minutes to inject as they usually cover more areas and are detail-oriented. You can get both treatments done during your lunch break as they are non-surgical and non-invasive options that do not require much downtime.
Another point that differentiates Botox and fillers is the time they take to work. Usually, Botox starts showing results within three days, which fully settles and becomes evident in two weeks. On the other hand, filler injections show immediate results as they fill the volume in hollow areas and restore plumpness. Still, fillers also need a week or two to fully settle and not get dissolved or misbalanced. The results of Botox may last from four to six months or even longer if you put extra effort into their care. On the contrary, the results of fillers last from eight months to a year or even longer if you take extra care.
Botox treatment is fixed and cannot be undone. You can always add more and more injectable components to get the desired results. However, you cannot extract, remove, or lessen it once you realize you have overdone it. The neurotoxin will naturally degenerate into your system and wear off with time, but you can do nothing if you do not like the results. Due to this, it is important to choose Botox treatment wisely after consultation with a certified dermatologist in Dubai. Moreover, you must only trust certified experts with the treatment and not any random beautician.
On the contrary, filler treatment is not fixed, and you can always dissolve them with hyaluronidase enzyme to achieve the desired effect. However, this enzyme only breaks down and dissolves hyaluronic acid. You can contact and consult professional service providers to avoid overdoing it and get it done perfectly on the first attempt. Again, you should not trust any random person for the treatment. You should only get it done by certified dermatologists to avoid the hassle of retouching.
Apart from these, areas covered by both injectable treatment options are another major difference between Botox and fillers, which is discussed in the next section. Continue reading this article to grasp all the details.
Botox treatment is usually injected to slow down the signs of aging. It is usually done when the slightest signs appear in the form of wrinkles. The upper part of the face and mouth area is the specific target of such a treatment. Botox is also an approved treatment procedure for ophthalmologic and neurologic disorders. Depending on individual requirements, Botox treatment can be done to fix the following signs of aging and facial concerns:
Fillers, specifically dermal fillers, are also injected to minimize the appearance of the signs of aging. The treatment is usually done for deep-rooted issues to fill the volume and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Moreover, fillers are also used to reduce the appearance of acne scars and other types of scars.
Besides this, dermal fillers are now also used for aesthetic and beauty purposes to enhance facial attractiveness. Even young people in their twenties or thirties opt for lip fillers or cheek fillers to add more volume to their lips and cheeks and get a fuller appearance. Some even opt for nose fillers to enhance the shape of their nose and treat underlying conditions like crooked nose. Here are the major areas and concerns covered by filler treatment:
Botox treatment requires injecting toxins into specific areas. These toxins change the structure of the nervous system, so you can expect some changes and resistance from your body. It can cause some immediate as well as long-term concerns. However, trusting the profession with the treatment can help you keep every concern at bay. Still, you must know about them to not get panicked when you finally experience them.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, here are the possible long-term risks of Botox treatment:
However, these risks only emerge in cases where you trust a random person with treatment, skip consultation with the experts, or defy the advice and recommendations of certified professionals.
Common side effects you might experience immediately after Botox treatment include:
However, you do not need to be much concerned as these issues will go away on their own within two to three days. In case they persist longer, consulting with the service provider is recommended.
Dermal fillers are also foreign substances injected into the body to achieve the desired effect. No matter how painless the injection is, it will leave its signs and may cause some short-lived concerns in the form of side effects. The injection substances may also react to your body and cause some long-term complications. You can easily keep them at bay or treat them efficiently, if required, by trusting certified professionals with the procedure. Explore possible risks and side effects of treatment to familiarize yourself and prepare for what to expect after filler treatment.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the possible long-term risks of filler treatment include:
Risks after filler treatment only emerge if you get it done by non-certified people or without prior consultation or recommendation. Trusting only certified experts will eliminate the chances of these risks.
The common side effects that emerge immediately after the filler treatment include:
However, these will go away within a day or two, so you do not need to be much concerned. In case they persist, you can contact and consult your service provider.
Botox or fillers – which is more effective, is a common question of people before opting for one. Both treatment procedures are equally effective, given you opt for them for the concerns and issues they are meant to treat. You cannot use Botox to add volume to lips or fillers to fix the wrinkles on the sides of your eyes. Choosing the right treatment option according to your specific condition is the ultimate way to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.
At BodySmart, you can trust certified doctors to offer you a detailed skin analysis to develop a deeper and effective understanding of your skin concerns and issues. With the help and guidance of certified dermatologists, you can address your aesthetic concerns and opt for Botox or Fillers treatments Dubai procedures upon recommendation. Book your appointment now with our certified dermatologist to plan your treatment thoroughly. Get the perfect treatment that will boost your facial attractiveness while offering you skin rejuvenation and a younger and healthier outlook to put your best face forward.
Skipping the certified dermatologists at BodySmart and referring to a random salon or spa comes at the cost of facing the following risks, which may also cause lifelong complications:
Do not risk your health and well-being for any factor, and book your consultation session with our certified professionals to plan your treatment and achieve the desired results.
No, Botox and fillers are not the same. Both are injections to fix the appearance of wrinkles. However, Botox slows down the specific muscle movement to ease wrinkling while fillers fill in the wrinkles.
Botox specifically caters to fine lines and wrinkles, while fillers add volume to saggy areas. Both have their specific uses, so it only depends on the requirements of the person and which treatment is suitable for them.
Much smaller needles are used for Botox and fillers than the usual needles used for shots. Moreover, a numbing solution is applied before injection to minimize the discomfort. In short, you might experience slight pain, but it is not too hurtful.
Botox does wear off naturally as the body constantly makes neurotransmitters to counter the blocking effect. Botox will last for up to 6 months, but with proper care, you might have the results intact for longer.
No Botox results are not instant, and wrinkles and fine lines do not vanish immediately. You will start seeing the results within 3-5 days, and the treatment will fully settle in in a period of two weeks.